Putting a price on life is impossible. Life is priceless and its value fundamental. But in this monetised world where everything including life comes at a cost, we must attach a price tag. And we also have to insure life which can be tricky when you have Marfan syndrome. Serially rejected by several insurance companies, a supporter turned to us for help. We compiled, below, a collection of tried and tested recommendations.

A: I am going to refer you to our Guide for Young Adults with Marfan Syndrome, a trove of practical information. 

It is not a legal requirement to have life insurance to get a mortgage but many mortgage providers do ask for it.

The only legally required insurance for procuring a mortgage is building insurance (which should be unaffected by having Marfan syndrome. Doing a Google search for life insurance with medical or heart conditions will return a lot of providers who specialise in plans for people with such conditions as well as providers who do not specialise but who do still provide coverage to people with medical conditions.

The British Heart Foundation website suggests the following two life insurance providers: Life Cover For All Moneysworth.

Two other reputable providers specializing in life insurance for people with medical conditions include Beagle Street. On the second, The Insurance Surgery it is advised to get ‘decreasing life insurance’ as this type of cover is specifically designed to cover mortgages, and has cheaper premiums.

The Cardiac Risk in the Young website have one page answering a FAQ in which they say that if cardiac abnormalities are found, it would increase insurance premiums and potentially jeopardise mortgage applications.

Cardiomyopathy UK has a page dedicated to explaining life insurance and the impacts of having a heart condition on it. The page is very informative about life insurance but offers little help in getting it.

To make applying for insurance easier it is advised that people have all their medical records available since these are likely to be asked for.

If possible, you can use your partner's life insurance as a basis for a mortgage. You can also ask your physician for a letter indicating that you are mildly or moderately affected, and that a normal lifespan is expected, if this is the case.

The doctor can ask that you not be weighted unduly for insurance. It is best to fasten this letter to your first application.

Marfan Trust, a CIO registered as a charity in England in Wales with charity number 1198847 at: c/o 24 Oakfield Lane, Keston, Kent, BR2 6BY. Contact us at [email protected] or by phone on + 44 (0)333 011 5256
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